Covid 19
Coronavirus (COVID 19) Guidance/Risk Assessment
Dear Guests, welcome to Courtfield Guest House.
In order to comply with the Government’s COVID -19 Guidance, we have developed a Covid-19 Guidance Plan as outlined below. Note this may be subject to change, in accordance with future Government Directives.
We hope this information will be informative, offers reassurance and enables you to have a relaxing stay at Courtfield Guest House.
1. General Protective Measures
1.1 Any guests who believe they have symptoms of the COVID-19 virus prior to arrival at Courtfield Guest House, should contact us with a view to cancelling or amending their reservation and follow the UK Government COVID-19 Guidance.
1.2 If a guest develops signs of the Covid-19 virus whilst at Courtfield Guest House, they must inform us immediately, self-isolate in their room in order to minimise any risk of transmission and request a test. If they are confirmed to have Covid-19, they should return home if they reasonably can. They should use private transport but only drive if they can do so safely. If a guest cannot reasonably return home (for example because they are not well enough to travel or do not have the means to arrange transport), their circumstances should be discussed with an appropriate health care professional and, if necessary, the local authority. Guests should follow government guidance on dealing with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. Once the guest has returned to their main residence, they should continue to follow the government guidance on self-isolation, household isolation and social distancing. If a guest shows acute symptoms, has breathing difficulties or their life is at potential risk, they must seek medical help immediately.
1.3 Any guests who believe they have developed symptoms of the COVID-19 Virus following their arrival at Courtfield Guest House, should inform us immediately.
1.4 Further to 1.3 above, we will immediately advise remaining/future guests and follow UK Government COVID-19 Guidance.
2. Courtfield Guest House Check-in/ Checkout
2.1 Our normal check-in time is 4-6pm, with late arrival times or early check-in times by agreement only. Please contact 01228 522767.
2.2 On arrival, a notice will be displayed at the front door of the property, requesting that guest ring the bell or phone 01228 522767, and to wait outside the front door.
2.3 We will meet guests at the front door and request they sanitise their hands on entering the property
2.4 New arrivals will be offered a temperature check to asses if they are displaying any Covid19 symptoms.
2.5 It is important that Social Distancing is maintained so please do not congregate in the hallway.
2.6 To ensure Check Out is timely and observes social distancing, Invoices will be available and payments using card payment machine will be taken at check-in.
3. Social Distancing
3.1 Shared access spaces such as the staircases are narrow and we ask guests to check they are clear, to avoid contact as much as possible.
4. Food Service/Breakfast
4.1 To maintain social distancing rules, we have reduced the amount of tables in the breakfast room and have set breakfast times to limit the room’s maximum occupancy.
4.2 We request that guest attend the breakfast room at their chosen time, where they will find their allocated table.
4.3 We have a hand sanitizer in the breakfast room entrance.
5. Hand / General Hygiene at Courtfield Guest House
5.1 We provide an automatic hand sanitizer in the entrance area, and numerous ones throughout the common areas and stairs.
5.2 Common areas and surfaces such as door handles and stair rails will be sanitised on a regular basis using appropriate disinfection/anti-bacterial cleaning products.
6. Room Cleaning
6.1 We continue to maintain our high standards of hygiene in bedrooms and en-suite facilities using appropriate anti-bacterial cleaning products.
6.2 All bedding is professionally laundered to a high commercial standard.
6.3 All towels are laundered in house with anti-bacterial additives to ensure high hygiene standards.
6.4 Soft furnishings such as cushions will be minimised and sanitised prior to each new arrival.
6.5 Following departure all rooms will be thoroughly ventilated and sanitised using appropriate sanitising products.
6.6 Following departure all hospitality trays are sanitised and all contents are replaced.
7. Room Service
7.1 Room service is now limited to refreshing of hospitality trays and bin emptying (to minimise risk to staff). We provide notices (to hang on door handles) if this is required.
7.2 We request that all used towels are left in the shower at the end of your stay. If you require towel changed mid stay please inform us.
8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
8.1 We do not provide PPE for guests but would encourage guests to wear whatever PPE they feel happy with.
Masks are available to purchase if required at a small charge.
8.2 Staff will wear PPE at times, and we hope this is not detrimental to the service we offer.
8.3 COVID 19 specific health and safety signage will be visible throughout the property, to assist guests and staff.
We hope the above information is useful, the measures in place are easy to follow/not too intrusive and do not detract from your experience at Courtfield Guest House.
We would welcome any feedback or ideas that you may have with regards to this policy.